How to add walletconnect with django.

Well today I’m going to tell you how to add walletconnect functionality in your django project.
No one has write any article on wallectconnect with django. But i researched 8 days continuously and found the solution. According to my research. walletconnect is a front-end package so in case you wanna use it to get wallet address of a user in the backend side then you can use it by simply loading the build file with static tags in your template and take benefit according to you demands either you wanna make transactions or something else you can just do that easily by the build file .For that you have to create the build file first . As i did.
Build file
You dont need to setup all the project for making a build file. I have already done those heavy lifting. Now you can simply use my code from the github . I am going to provide a github link where you will get all the webpack setup code with react. I have setup webpack and react there. You can simple download that project and make changes in the app.tsx file and then make build file of that.
I have also found an article after spending a lot of time on transpiling files with webpack. I have setup all the webpack project. All you have to do is download, run and make changes according to the walletconnect documentation. In this github project you can use any walletconnect method and then simple run webpack command.
The article which helps me a lot in setting up all the project is given below.
Thank you!, Ask me if you need help. We will try to solve that problem. :)