Database Suggested!

Current Scenario:
A development team is developing a special purpose application for some organization. The data is very large but relatively static. Data loss is an acceptable risk. Multiple users are accessing the application at the same time. File system and database system are two approaches which can be used to store data. Being a database expert, you are approached by the Team manager to help them in deciding which of the above mentioned data storage system will be more suitable for current scenario.
Suggest the storage system considering the above mentioned scenario with solid reasoning.
Well, I suggest the database system will be the best approach for such application. Storing and retrieving of data can’t be done efficiently in a file system but DBMS is efficient to use as there are a wide variety of methods to store and retrieve data.
Data is very important for any organization, but in the current scenario losing data is acceptable but still I would like to choose the option through which I can recover data and this possible with database system. The file base management system does not offer data recovery processes but there is a backup recovery for data in DBMS(Database management system).
As in above scenario multiple users are accessing the application. Some users are just active users and some are staff users or some will be super users. So, to make this limitation among the users can’t be done easily with the file base system but DBMS offers good protection mechanism on the development scale as well as on the production scale.
Maintaining storage in very important while you’re working with the data. You may have to look that the save data should not repeat. In a file management system, the redundancy of data is greater but the redundancy of data is low in the DBMS.
Security of data is one of the most important part of database handling. So, That no other anonymous company or a person can use that to threat you users or give a high damage to your organization. The file system offers lesser security but DBMS(Database Management System) offers high security.
Application can be use by millions of users. So the data transfer to the right place matters a lot. File base management system does not provide support for complicated transactions but it is easy to implement complicated transactions with DBMS.
While our application is on the production level already. And so many users are already using that. It will be good impression towards users if they get quick results of there query. So, There is no efficient query processing in the file system but you can easily query data in a database using the SQL language.
Last but not least file management system doesn’t offer concurrency but DBMS system provides a concurrency facility.
I’ll use database management system for my origination after taking these points inside my head.