Life Lessons
Broken Hearts Can Heal!

Heart breaking is part of life. It’s reality. Accept it now or later but you have to accept it. If you feel it. You will realize that accepting now is the best choice.
— Chapter one —
People gets mature. Some on time and some before time. The people who become mature before time are those who face sad realities of life in early stages of life. They get mature because they have faced them and accepted them and work for them to fix all of them. We say that men are strong. Why so? Aren’t they human being? Aren’t they have senses, emotions, heart, or feelings. The answer is obvious that they have feelings which can be hurt. They have heart that can be break. They do feel pain. They are not born stronger but they get stronger under the burden of responsibilities. So, this is a moment where I would like to share a story of a young man. The story of his silence. The story of his pain. The story of his fake smile. The story of his recovering. The story of his gaining. The story of his in his words. The story of his broken heart…
— Glory of Life —
It was time when he was a child of nine years old. A simple ordinary smiling child. Who is happy in his own company. Who smiles on every little dumb jokes. To him his world is around his family and friends. It was a time when he was super happy without money and without the love of some stranger. It was a time when he cries on getting a lot of homework and he become happy after hearing the news of holidays. It was time when he smiles truly. His heart was delight. His feelings were pure. His soul was stainless. His goals were just to be happy and entertain him self at instance. His best friend was his father. He feel so confident in his presence. All was fine at this moment but he was unaware of hardships and miseries. Which were waiting for him in future.
— Shocking reality! —
It was 21, June 2010. He was sleeping after having a wonderful day as usual but at 4.30 am his mother came into his room and start shouting and crying. She was saying one line repeatedly ‘Your father is dead, he is no more…’.He was thinking its a dream. A horrible dream. A dream that can’t be true. He opened his eyes but mind was shut. The heart hoping was that It must be joke. A worst joke. He got up from his bed and went to his father room. He saw that his father was handed with rope. He ran back to his mother. He was numb. People call police. Police arrived. Investigation started . Asking question to that little boy. But the boy was still hoping that this is all unreal. It suppose to be unreal. Finally a time came when people were going to buried his father and he realized that he literally lost his best friend. His father. His love. His care. His support. It was heart breaking. It was a crack in a mirror. It was damage that can’t be fill. But as time was not stopping for his lose. He realize he don’t have time to waste. He have to struggle so he can make himself successful so his father proud on him. He will be a good person just like his father. He accept the reality and start living his life sensible rather than other ordinary childs. In a very small age. He learnt that don’t waste time in accepting reality. Time don’t stop for anyone. Instead of being sad on present lose. Work for coming future. So in future You may lost so much in life but learnt nothing. At the end you realize only one thing that you have just wasted time.
If life takes something from you. It means that there is some reason, A good and positive reason. And you need to think positive for positive results and struggle hard. And make youself happy. This is life. This is how the boy heal his heart..
Next chapter.
If you want chapter two then tell me in response where you get to know how his father passed and what more he lose. The role of his mother and the lover.