Broken Hearts Can Heal!

People change with time because they can. It’s their choice. You can’t change their choices because you can’t. And sometimes you have to pay the amount of their actions. I guess such moments are amazing and hurtful at the same time because you get to know the positions of people and where to place them in your life.
The boy was happy. And one night he lost his father, the reason was still unknown. It was a terrible reality. He was unable to accept that, but with time he accepted and started watching forward.
________________ Chapter 2 ________________
Blood relations can turn into deadlier relations because they can. There is a very interesting fact about this world which I would like to share with you. In this colorful world. Colors change after nano seconds. But people! They even change before femto seconds. Stand on your own from now on. Don’t trust blindly anyone, expect Allah (God)…
Facing such kind of realities in an early stage of life is really challenging. But the boy faced them when he saw his mother turning into an evil…
Father’s Memories
It has been a week since his father died. The boy remembers his father a lot. He misses his presence which has turned into absence. His charming smile which has disappeared somewhere. He keeps his photo with him whenever he goes to his bed. He tightly hugs the picture of this father and sleeps with tears in his little beautiful eyes. It was a time when the boy who got afraid of darkness started feeling comfort in the dark. One day the boy was hungry and wanted to eat something new. He went to his father’s room and realized that now there is no-one who can complete his wishes. At that moment he said one line to himself:”I wish I could have a time machine”.
Bad Company
There are some people who try to find a chance when a person becomes weak, so they can brake him or her more and more until he or she becomes a dust particle just like them. Such people also came into his life. One day he was sitting on the roof with his cousins. He was sharing what he felt. When his cousins saw his broken heart through his words. One of them said ,”Well, we understand what you’re going through. There is only one way to feel relaxed if you use this ( by indicating a cigarette which he was holding in his hand)”. He was young but sensible enough to refuge from his cousin’s offer by saying ,”I’m better in this pain instead of choosing the thing you are offering me. My father never did that as well, then how can I do such a silly thing. He told me smoking is a bad habit. If he isn’t here to see me then it doesn’t mean I do those things which he never wants me to do…”.
Cruel world
One day some stranger came to see the boy. He told him “Your father was a good friend of mine, and he spent so much time with me. He was such an amazing personality. You also seem like your father. Well, your father took some loan from me, and he didn’t return that. The amount was round of 60k. Almost equal to the cost of his single bike. Since he is not here to return that loan… So I was thinking if I can take his bike. The boy was thinking what he should say or what to do… Or what not… While he was thinking. He heard his mother’s voice, and she was asking:”Who is at the door?”. He replied “Some father’s friend. He is asking for his bike”. His mother came and told the boy to go inside. He went inside the room. After a while, his mother told him to bring her a bike keys. He brought them to her, and she gave them to that person. He took a bike and left the house. After that day, these kind of strangers start coming daily. One took a bike, the other took a car, and some other took cash. At the end, a time came when a boy left his school due to not having money for school fee.
Strange, pain, gain….
The boy was young but not blind. He was able to see what was happening around him. His mother’s iddat (In Islam, iddah or iddat is the period a woman must observe after the death of her husband or after a divorce, during which she may not marry another man.) didn’t complete. But she was facing and talking to namehram (the women/men that you are allowed to marry). Maybe its a small thing or considerable not gigantic false act. But the wrong things start happening when his mother start tell me him to not come out side the room until she said. One day, He went out the room without her permission and he sees that there is some man with his mother alone in a room. And the man was the same guy once due to him his father fought with his mother. Because she was cheating on his father. His father forgave her due to that boy. But the boy was aware of that thing…
When he saw that thing. He got angry, sad, disappointed… He was wanting to go inside the room and kill that guy, but he couldn’t… He got afraid… That was a day when he cried so much in a silence… He prayed for her mother but demanded a horrible death for that guy… He was thinking maybe that guy killed his father, but who knows… Since there wasn’t any proof…
“Sometimes we become so powerless. Even if we wanted to do something, we couldn’t do that. May Allah (God) save us from such conditions. As they are terrible.”
Next Chapter
Will continue this story. Where we get to know more about his mother and his love story and the achievements of his life.. If you guys are interested for the next chapter tell me in a response. :)